Promoting responsible & sustainable use of marine resources since 1970
through education, research, and collaboration
Our MarineLab program has been educating students and teachers about the ocean at our Key Largo campus since 1985. Whether it’s a field experience for a school group, a virtual program, teacher workshops, or free marine science learning resources, our MarineLab Environmental Education programs have a life long impact on our participants. In 2023, we hosted nearly 7,000 students and teachers from 32 states and territories in 249 separate programs at our education campus in Key Largo, Florida. We reached an additional 1700 students virtually. We have summer camps and free family days as well. If you are an educator or a parent, or know one who is interested in marine science, this is the option for you.
Our primary research has been focused in the areas of underwater habitats as a way for researchers to spend more time in the environment they wish to study. In addition, underwater habitats provide an opportunity to conduct long-term studies of human physiology and psychology. The 2023 Project NEPTUNE mission, in which Dr. Joseph Dituri spent 100 days underwater in Jules’ Undersea Lodge, is the latest example of long-term stays at depth. In addition, we have an ongoing survey project as part of Seagrass Watch, funded by the Disney Conservation Fund.
We are partnered with several organizations, individual researchers, and government agencies with citizen science projects, such as NOAA’s Phytoplankton Monitoring Network. We have welcomed the Ocean First Institute to our campus in Key Largo, where they are establishing their shark research project.